Saturday, April 14, 2012

Decisions 2012

There are decisions that we have to make in life, and decisions that are made for us.  It is difficult to see which is which sometimes, and both kinds are challenging in their own ways.  Decisions that we have to make can paralyze us - knowing that the wrong choice can lead us down a path we may regret - and yet action is critical so any choice is better than no choice at all.   Making a decision on something important can be gut wrenching.  But a decision that is made for us is equally gut wrenching - having the choice out of our hands and not being able to decide what will happen next is a different kind of painful process.

Sometimes it is easier to be the one to decide where to go, what to do - then there is no one else to blame if things don't work out.   Sometimes it is devastating when the decision is made for you, as it can close a door you had hoped was open. Other times it can be fantastically freeing to have the choice taken out of your hands - it can serve as wonderful protection.  If you have to choose whether or not to take a job - that can be harder than not having the job offered to you in the first place.  A relationship ended by someone else can be heartbreaking, but sometimes less so than having to decide if it was good enough to maintain.

There are positives and negatives to decisions we make verses decisions that are made for us.  And both come in ample supply in life.  The important thing is to accept the decisions we are faced with, the choices open to us, and to act on them.  Fear of making the wrong choice, when one is presented to us, is never a viable option for a life lived balls to the wall.  And when we are given a break and a decision is made for us, well that too is a gift that should point us in another direction of pursuit - to the next fork in the road.