Monday, October 15, 2012

Sometimes Things Suck

When thinking about things I want my son to know, among the many life lessons that seem relevant to me in the moments I put my thoughts into words, I want to acknowledge the fact that sometimes things just suck.  This may seem silly or beyond obvious for most of us who have been around awhile.  But for my little man-in-training, who seems to love life from his first breath and is full of so much laughter and joy, I have to tell you this hard truth - sometimes things suck.

Sometimes life is messy.  Sometimes it is ugly, and sad, and frustrating - or full on just sucks ass.  It is true, and if you don't know this it will be a shock to your light-filled system.

But here is what else is true.  Even when it sucks and seems to be dark and gloomy and full of despair, I want you to know something else very important - it will get better.  It will always get better.  No matter how long the dark days last, whether it be one day or one week or one year, eventually the clouds will clear and miraculously everything will get better.  I promise you.  You need to remember this because, in the thick of it, this can be hard to believe.  But your mom and her 40 years (gasp!) of experience is here to tell you - now and over and over again whenever you need to hear it - that no matter how sucky things get they WILL get better. I know this. I live this.

As your mom I don't want you to feel heartbreak, pain, or loss.  If I had my way, your days would always be filled with nothing but happiness and good things.  But if my life has taught me anything, it is that this is not the way the world works.  Bad things happen, even to good people, and sometimes things just suck.  So that is why I want you to always keep in mind the more important life lesson here, which is that if you are patient, and let time pass, and continue to get up each day and do your best in all that you do and be the best person you can be, things will get better. They just will. How? I don't know, its part of the magic of life.  It might take a day or a week or a month, but things will get better.

In the suckiest of times, the future is bright for you my love. As it is for all of us, if we have the will and the strength to wait for it.  So when things suck for you, as they inevitably and annoyingly will some day, know that it is not forever.  Know that it will get better. Know that eventually it will pass.  Know that while sometimes things suck, they always always always will look up.  Eventually.