Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Screw the Lemonade

So there is this saying, that may or may not still be around when my son is old enough to finally read this, which goes like this - If life gives you lemons, make lemonade.

Well I don't feel that way.  I never have.  I am more of the mind that if life gives you lemons then tell life to fuck off and kick its ass.

I have a low tolerance for wallowing.  This is true in how I view myself and at times even others.  I don't know what it is.  Its not that I lack empathy, I like to consider myself super empathetic and compassionate to others.  Its more that I don't have an enormous amount of patience, particularly for myself.  I know that time speeds up and life is shorter than we all think it is -  I don't have the tolerance for too much self-pity for my own disappointments and raw deals.

What I do have, when life doesn't deliver, is a fire to do something.  Perhaps it is an unhealthy desire to move on, a little too rapidly (I have noticed this on more than one occasion, that I didn't allow myself the time to mourn a loss or feel the sadness).  Nonetheless, when life screws you I say screw the lemonade.  Instead go out and find something else to do, something else to feel good about, something else to pin your hopes on, something else happy to focus on, somewhere else to go.  There is an infinite number of possible directions in life, and so my balls to the wall philosophy doesn't allow much time for stewing in sadness - it requires me to go out and kick life's ass by doing something exciting and wonderful.

This something exciting and wonderful for me is climbing Mount Kilimanjaro this fall.  Take THAT life.

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