Friday, February 3, 2012

Taking the Plunge

This week my balls to the wall philosophy was put to the test, professionally speaking. Faced with two opportunities - one safe and one a gamble, one wrapped up with a bow and one big and amorphous, one a step back and one a giant leap forward - it was walk the talk time.

Going balls to the wall in life means taking the plunge and diving into the unknown, taking a risk and embracing the challenge rather than playing it safe and easy. So I gathered up my courage and said no to the simple path, the one I could have quickly slipped into with minimal difficulty.

Why? Because the not-so-simple path has the most to offer me in terms of all-around happiness, both professionally and personally. The harder road, as is often the case, has oodles of potential that is simply not found in the easy road. As of now I am committed to this new professional path, and while I see huge challenges ahead and moments where my capabilities will be tested and stretched, I also see opportunities for huge professional growth. And with that I see personal growth and happiness. I see greater flexibility, greater creativity and freedom.

Is it scary? Hell yeah. It is always scarier to do something new, something challenging, something that stretches us and forces us to grow. Not to mention the risks financially and emotionally if one fails. But like someone who is starting their own business, there is also excitement - excitement at the possibility of success, excitement over creating something new, and excitement of forging your own path rather than being a cog in a wheel. So for these reasons, among others, I decided to go balls to the wall in my career and current professional path and just take the plunge.

I don't know where the path will take me or if I will accomplish all that I hope in this new professional adventure, but that is part of the joy of life. Diving into the unknown, taking the plunge, going all in, balls to the wall. Anything less would be less of a life.

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