Monday, March 12, 2012

Synchronicity of the Head, Heart & Hooch

Now this may seem slightly off topic, but on the subject of life lessons for Luka and living balls to the wall - I think ruminations on passion, love and sex are important.

I am sure there is plenty that has been written on the subject, particularly in self-help books and couples therapy texts. But to state it bluntly, the best relationships (at least in so far as I guess, in my limited and not-so-hot record of relationships) seem to exist when there is synchronicity between the mind, heart and body...or as I call it - Head, Heart & Hooch.

So often we have an imbalance in one of the three areas, and when prolonged that can wreak havoc on a relationship. Too much of one area and not enough of another is never a good thing, as a relationship built solely around the hooch leaves the heart empty, while a relationship with all heart and no hooch is - lets just say its another brand of unfulfilling. An even more dangerous consequence of the Head, Heart, & Hooch imbalance is the appeal of getting one of the triad satisfied by someone outside the relationship. Whether it be in the form of "emotional cheating" by getting heart satisfaction from someone other than your partner, or physical cheating by hooch satisfaction, any way you look at it, it spells doom and gloom for most couples.

Some people live a little too focused in their own head, which is hard to get out of. Some people live exclusively through the hooch (for MEN I mean this figuratively - replace it with Heart and Head squared). When we do this, and our partner is not focusing on the same element at the same time, we risk massive disconnect. One partner thinks sex will solve a problem that the other partner thinks only heady discussion will solve. Its an age-old impasse.

The most desired combination therefore seems to exist when the head is in a good place with each partner seeing the other as a critical and positive addition to their lives, and the heart is warmed by the very presence of the other, and the hooch is happy and satiated right there at home. That is the magic of synchronicity of the head, heart & hooch.

love in a nutshell.

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