Friday, March 23, 2012

The Waiting Game

Anyone who knows me well knows that when it comes to time management I am a waiter not a rusher. I hate to be late, as I view it as hugely disrespectful, and I hate to rush (it stresses me out and makes me sweat). Therefore, in general I prefer to arrive to my destination - meeting, appointment, airport, etc. - with a comfortable cushion of time to spare. I much prefer getting somewhere early and waiting over rushing to arrive somewhere barely on time covered in back sweat with a flushed face. I am a waiter not a rusher.

However, when it comes to life and living balls to the wall I believe fully in NOT waiting to do something. There are some people, very responsible and smart people, who are waiting until retirement to enjoy their money, to travel and to live. There are people who are careful and cautious with their hearts and they wait to see how solid something is before they jump in and do something outrageous, if at all. Those people wait a bunch dates before having sex maybe, and certainly don't move in with someone a week after they meet them. There are people who focus heavily on working and counting the days until the rest of their life can begin - 14 more years and I will be able to start enjoying myself. That is one way to live, and it may be a smarter way - it has long term vision and planning and caution on its side. However, I prefer the other way. Not waiting.

I prefer to do things in the moment it strikes me, rather than wait another day. (It may be that I am never completely convinced that I will get another day so its critical to act immediately. You never know). By not waiting, you might find yourself running away to Puerto Rico with someone after only 3 dates. Or inviting someone you haven't seen for 10 years to spend Valentine's Day with you in Thailand. Or going snorkeling in Australia's Great Barrier Reef (even though you are terrified of sharks). Or cage diving with said sharks in Dubai. Or having a conversation with the Attorney General of Afghanistan. Or teaching the Chief Justice of Ghana the Electric Slide. Or find yourself in the middle of a hilarious spy novel in Azerbaijan, with cigarettes still smoldering in the ashtray of your empty apartment.

These are the kinds of things that can happen to people who don't wait for the right time.

It may be wiser and safer to wait for some things - until the time is right, until there is enough money saved, until all your ducks are in a row, until you are sure about it.... but living balls to the wall isn't about being safe. Its about going all in - living life like each day matters the most. Because it does.

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